Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Italian Cheeses Dictionary

Italian Cheeses

Italian A-Z Cheese Dictionary Amarognolo - slightly bitter, a term aficionados use
Aromatico - aromatic
Aspro - sharp
Burroso - buttery
Caratteristico - characteristic
Delicato - delicate Dolce - literally “sweet”, but for cheese it is used to mean the flavors are round, neither sharp nor spicy
Erborinato - Blue cheese, usually cow´s cheese.
Forte - strong
Fresco - fresh, young
Fruttato - fruity
Intenso - intense
Ircino - used to refer to the typical flavor of goat´s cheese
Latteo - milky
Muschiato - used to refer to the flavor of buffalo milk
Piccante - spicy, often used to describe certain goats cheeses
Sapido - used to describe very savory cheeses
Speziato - spiced, used to refer to cheeses that have a nuance of a spice (such as nutmeg)